“IchI”( 15 min-23min.)
初演:Place Prize 2008(London The Place, Robin howard theatre)
Choreograph,direction: Saiko Kino
Dance: Takashi Ueno, Saiko Kino
Lighting: Jackie Shemesh
Set design: Shizuka Hariu
Music: Alies Sluiter( Performed by Alies, Laura Anstee,Adriano Aewale)
日本版初演:Dance Triennale AOYAMA2009 ( 青山円形劇場)
Musician:上原千陽子(violin), 新木真理子(Chello), 田中徳崇 ( Percussion)
Place Prize2008で5000ポンドの制作費をうけて作成後、翌年春のSpring Loadedで改訂再演(ダンサーは松本武士)、日本でもダンストリエンナーレTrial4において改訂版を上演した。
“IchI”( 15 min.)
Place Prize 2008(London The Place, Robin howard theatre)
Choreograph,direction: Saiko Kino
Dance: Takashi Ueno, Saiko Kino
Lighting: Jackie Shemesh
Set design: Shizuka Hariu
Music: Alies Sluiter
(Performed by Alies, Laura Anstee,Adriano Aewale)
Spring loaded 2009(London, The olace Robin Howard theatre)
Extend to 18Min. Dancer:Takeshi Matsumoto version.
Dance Triennale Trial 4 at Aoyama round theatre.
Extend to 23min.
Dancer: Takashi Ueno, Saiko Kino
Music performed by Chiyoko Uehara, Mariko Araki, Noritaka Tanaka
We make a piece from idea “Exploration of moving light” and Japanese beautifulness. One male dancer( Takashi Ueno) and his shadow’s ( Saiko Kino) story. When light comes, shadow is appearing. We might be controlled by shadow, and shadow might be alter ego. In Japan, there is Kaidan, Japanese ghost story. It might be love but it also might be dangerous.
This was pretty much the perfect article. Two tremendous classically-infused dance performances by Kino and Takashi Ueno; wonderful lighting that captured the essence of the work’s ghostliness, not least in Kino’s giant shadow enveloping and consuming her partner at the work’s conclusion; and a tremendous original score played live on stage by its composer and violinist (Alies Sluiter), together with Laura Anstee (Cello) and Adriano Adewale (Percussion). As a collaborative work of dance art, it was simply tremendous(Graham Watts)